Book 2 , Chapter 2: Work Schedule and Attendance

Welcome to Millie Salmon and the Book of Habits. In this episode, Millie gets around to finding out about the Book of Habits that she’s seen in The Shop’s Employee Handbook. Of course, the path to get there is vastly more roundabout than it could be. She has to go through an army of cursed demons to get there.

Millie Salmon episodes are released on the third Monday of the month. That’s our plan, and we’re doing pretty good so far.

Millie Salmon is read by the author, Ray Dubicki. You can join Millie Salmon on Patreon, or find more at Millie You can follow this podcast and more on social media at Infinite Shop Limited.


Book 2 , Chapter 3: Stocking


Book 2 , Chapter 1: Customer Service