Book 2 , Chapter 3: Stocking
Welcome to Millie Salmon and the Book of Habits. In this episode, Millie’s finds that regular attendance at work has its benefits. Warm, woolen benefits that she gets to share with her friends and loved ones. If only she can get over the stress of buying them.
Millie Salmon is written and read by Ray Dubicki. You can join Millie Salmon on Patreon, or find more at Millie The show is produced by Infinite Shop Limited, who you can follow on social media for news and more podcasts.
Book 2 , Chapter 2: Work Schedule and Attendance
Welcome to Millie Salmon and the Book of Habits. In this episode, Millie gets around to finding out about the Book of Habits that she’s seen in The Shop’s Employee Handbook. Of course, the path to get there is vastly more roundabout than it could be. She has to go through an army of cursed demons to get there.
Millie Salmon is written and read by Ray Dubicki. You can join Millie Salmon on Patreon, or find more at Millie The show is produced by Infinite Shop Limited, who you can follow on social media for news and more podcasts.
Book 2 , Chapter 1: Customer Service
Welcome to the second season of Millie Salmon. This new story is called Millie Salmon and the Book of Habits. Millie knows that her family’s second hand bookstore is an interstellar spaceship. Now she has to find out how to navigate something even weirder: working a job.
Millie Salmon is read by the author, Ray Dubicki. You can join Millie Salmon on Patreon, or find more at Millie You can follow this podcast and more on social media at Infinite Shop Limited.
Chapter 19: Adventure Begins
In this episode, we conclude the first of Millie Salmon’s adventures. She’s adventured across the universe, discovered her family’s secrets, now it’s time for some well deserved Spring Break.
Chapter 18: Culmination Summit
In this chapter, Millie makes a discovery about what's leaking power from The Shop. But a tidal wave of very sticky events are about to catch up with her.
Chapter 17: A Good Month of Hard Work
In Chapter 17, the Salmons now have an idea why The Shop is acting strange. It's time to buckle down and do the work to find out what's happening. Cue training montage!
Chapter 16: Mom At Work
In Chapter 16, Millie gets invited to join Mom for a day working at the bank. On Dalla Brateur.
Chapter 15: Villainous Bureaucracy
In Chapter 15, forces are aligning against Millie and the Salmon family. They are so evil, they have piles of paperwork to do.
Chapter 14: Into the Maelstrom
In chapter 14, Millie stormed out of school on her birthday, but finds herself in an even deeper predicament. Fortunately, Firth is there. But perhaps that’s not fortunate.
Chapter 13: Millie’s Birthday
In chapter 13, we get to celebrate Millie’s birthday! It’s the day she chose, but whether it ends up going according to plan remains to be seen.
Chapter 12: Envelopes and Boxes
In chapter 12, it’s Christmas and Millie wants to make sure everyone knows that it is absolutely not her birthday. What her real birthday is, well, perhaps we find out a little about that.
Chapter 11: The Almost Meal
In Chapter 11, The Shop hosts a party and Millie is invited. Let’s learn the game Teacup.
Chapter 10: The Reveal Scene
In Chapter 10, Reggie’s parents have left him home again, so he’s texting Millie and getting some homework done. It’s time for pizza pockets.
Chapter 9: A Day With Dad
In chapter 9, we start a new section of Millie’s story discovering the powers of The Shop. Let’s send her out with Dad for a day of Shop business on some new worlds.
Chapter 8: Class Project
In chapter 8, we wrap up the first section of Millie’s Story. Let’s follow her, Reggie, and Pats through the hallways at school.
Chapter 7: The Lost March
In chapter 7, it’s time to offer the off-worlders that are at the market a way home. All of the Salmons are in The Shop, where Millie finds out her history is even more opaque than she knew. But she makes a decision, a hard adult one, and gets strong support from an amazing new ally.
Chapter 6: The Leaving
In chapter 6, we get enjoy the ramifications of The Shop coming into the farmer's market sideways. There are more door slams, several long distance phone calls, and mild literary analysis.
Chapter 5: Reality’s Brick
Chapter 5: Reality’s Brick. It’s Set Aside Sunday where Mom has some plans for her and Millie. Let’s see if The Shop agrees.
Chapter 4: The Cooked Goose Incident
Chapter 4: The Cooked Goose Incident. Millie’s punishment as gone on long enough that the feds get involved. Much to the chagrin of several unwitting ducks.
Chapter 3: Real Enough
Chapter 3: Real Enough. Millie and her parents calmly discuss the responsibilities of finding that The Shop is not a mere secondhand bookstore.